This past week, Kristi Johnson came to visit from Minnesota! It was a great week. She was such a help with Ingrid and Rowan. We miss her tonight after taking her to the airport this morning. She became Rowan's favorite place to sleep, so now he's not so keen on his swing... :) Oh well. It was fun to have someone else to cook for, and someone else to talk to while Andrew was working most of the week. I hope she had fun, too, despite being in the country with a couple of broke friends with 2 small kids...
We ventured out to Morgantown one of the nights that Andrew had to work really late. We did well at the mall where we bought Ingrid the cutest hat and gloves with some gift money from Roxanne. The gloves are a bit big, but we have pink mittens that will work until she grows a bit... :)

Not only did we have fun using the cookie cutters, we had fun when we got to lick the beaters! Our favorite part! (Ingrid wanted to lick the beaters when there was only butter on them...which she would have liked, but I said no.)
The other big deal this week was that Ingrid got a haircut!!! It had grown a lot
since I cut it last, and she needed her bangs trimmed, but since Kristi was here, she helped me keep her still long enough to cut it into a CUTE bob. It's great, too, because we don't really even have to brush her hair now, which is making getting ready to go places almost painless. Now, if we could only find a solution to getting her shoes on and keeping them on...

We had fun playing on the "playground" in the mall! Ingrid climbed on everything and slid down
the slide over and over again. We're thinking that we should get her a little Tykes slide for her bedroom for the winter. She's such an active kid that I don't know what we're going to do when we can't go for our daily walks... :)

While we were in Morgantown, we went to Target to spend the rest of Roxy's gift money. We found a 3 month size outfit with a moose (from Minnesota!) for
Rowan...that ended up fitting him now! He's so big already! We have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday, so you'll get an official update after that, but we think he's around 11 pounds. His cousin, Isaac, is now 7 1/2 pounds and 19 1/2 inches long (from 4 lbs 2 oz and 17 1/2 inches long 7 weeks ago!) Watch out, Rowan!

We had fun making snickerdoodles one night using some fall-themed cookie cutters that
Gramma Camra sent Ingrid a while back. We had FUN doing that!! The cookies turned out REALLY well...the couple dozen are almost gone already. :) Ingrid decided that we needed to make them again for Thanksgiving dinner, since everyone is coming to our place!

We had a good week. This morning, after Andrew took Kristi to the airport, Ingrid and Rowan and I were getting ready to go to church, and Ingrid said, "I'm going to go show Kissie my cute shirt!" She was sad when I said she went back home. She said, "To Minnesota." I said yes, that she had to go home to take care of her puppy. She said we should go visit her. I said we would. Someday.
Now, we're looking forward to Gramma Camra and Uncle Eric and Aunt Colleen coming the day before Thanksgiving!!! YAY!!!
We love you, Kissie! Thanks for a great week!
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