Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rowan's Stats and Ingrid's destiny

Hi! We went to the doctor yesterday for Rowan's 4-month check-up and shots. He's doing much better this morning than he was yesterday afternoon... :( Shots make him really crabby. He certainly doesn't tolerate them as well as Ingrid seemed to. Lots of Tylenol and love after visiting Dr. Garrett.

Here are the stats:
He's gained 4 lbs since his 2-month visit! He's 15lbs now!
He's grown an inch and 1/2...He's now 24 1/2 inches long!
He is 50th %-ile in everything!

The doctors and nurses got a kick out of him smiling at everyone, even at the nurse who gave him the shots...He smiled at her through his tears! What a sweet, sweet baby.

Ingrid was funny during the visit, too. Andrew was working so I took them both with me to see Dr. Garrett. Last time, it was Ingrid's turn to be seen when she had the croup. I think she was relieved that it was Rowan's turn this she was much more cordial to Crystal, the nurse, and Dr. Garrett. She was very sleepy, however, since the visit was during her normal nap time. Through the first part of the visit, she was pretty good. However, Dr. Garrett was finishing up her part of the exam and asking me if I had any questions before Crystal came back in to give the baby his shots. I decided that since I knew Rowan would probably cry (that sometimes makes Ingrid decide she needs to cry so that Rowan doesn't get all the attention...), I gave Ingrid a lollipop to help give her something to do, and to make her feel special, in hopes to avoid a catastrophe.

Dr. Garrett asked her if her lollipop tasted good. She said it was tasty. Dr. Garrett said that they usually are pretty good. She should eat that lollipop while Rowan was getting his shots. Ingrid said, "That's what I was born to do." ! ! !

I hope our childrens' pediatrician doesn't think I give her lollipops all the time... Oh well. We all got a laugh out of it, anyway.

Kids. :)

Make sure you check out the new pics I posted today on the slide show at the bottom of the blog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lizzie,
Great post! The kids are so adorable-Rowan is growing by leaps and bounds!!
Love the pics - hope you are all doing well!
cjw <><