Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Holy Water and Baby Boys

So, Rowan is now officially baptized. Godfather Benny Moreno and Godmother Aunt B (Rebecca) attended his baptism at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church on Holy Saturday night. What a COOL service. Father Chip (well, just Chip, really...) did such a good job charging us to examine our faith and lives and also reminding us (and Rowan's godparents) that it is our job to bring up Rowan to do the same. They gave us a BEAUTIFUL certificate and each of the godparents got a little card telling them of their duties and responsibilities. Rowan also got a special candle lit from the paschal candle that Chip told us to light every year on the anniversary of his baptism (March 22nd) and to celebrate his baptism every year because it is even more important than his birthday. It was great to have family around us and Benny and Rachel in town. Here are a few pics, although Rachel took pictures that might be better, but we don't have those yet... We'll post some of those as soon as we get them. I'm sure they're great, too!

Godparents "Uncle" Benny and Aunt B with Mama, Papa, and Rowan

Rev. Dr. Chip Lee -- or Chip -- and Rowan, the newest member of the Body of Christ!

Granny, Grandad and a rare sober picture of Rowan...Isn't he the cutest?

Ingrid has a HUGE crush on Chip. She runs and gives him hugs every Sunday, and she wanted his attention that night... Chip is sweet on Ingrid, too. :)

So, last Saturday, Rebecca, Mom and I went to a 12-hour scrapbooking day (we all got there late, but were there most of the day--until 9:30pm or so...) and since Brian was working, Rebecca had to bring Isaac. Since I'm still breastfeeding for the most part, I thought I'd just bring Rowan (instead of stopping to pump, I'd just feed him) and then the boys could play while the Moms scrapbooked. Fortunately, Granny brought the camera and we captured their playing. They were SOOOOOOO good! Everyone was completely floored with how they played so nicely for HOURS. They only fussed a couple of times and they were fine once they were given food or took a nap. Rowan is so laid back. I'm so glad to have him... How blessed we are.


I LOVE to eat faces! Get over here!

You eat my face, I'll eat your arm... Gimme that!

Little peeking piggy toes...

What fun life is! More to come soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the baptism! It sounds wonderful. Love the pics! Hope that you and family are doing well!! Blessings, cjw