While Andrew has been away, the kids and I have tried to keep busy doing things. We're lucky to be so close to my parents and sisters/brother. So, last weekend, after a New Year's Eve with the WHOLE gang, the kids and I hopped down to Fairmont to spend some time with Aunt B, Uncle B, and Isaac for the whole weekend!
While we were there, we went to the Wow Factory (a ceramic/glass painting place) and to the mall to play! Rebecca and I have loved dressing the boys up in matching outfits (something I'm sure they'll roll their eyes at later on...) and watching people point and smile at how cute they are...and then answer that they're first cousins, not twins, but they're 2 weeks apart. Fun!
Ingrid had a blast, too! She made friends at the Wow Factory with the owner/operator's daughters, and then she had fun running around the playground at the mall -- climbing on things that were too big for her to climb last timewe were there (which I had realized had been almost a year ago!). They're all growing sooooo much! And while that's a bit sad for me, it's also a bit easier to get around with them as they get bigger, so I'm trying to find that silver lining when I can.
Anyway, here are some pictures of our outings (forgive my wrong dates...my camera reset itself...and also Ingrid was there that weekend, she just didn't sit still long enough to get into any of the pictures)!
The boys in their matching personalized Christmas Elmo shirts!
We all piled into Aunt B's Jeep for our weekend of fun!

Aunt B and her friend, Heidi, painting ceramics at the Wow Factory in Morgantown

Granny played with the kids in the playroom while we finished our painting

Again, we had them dressed in matching outfits. they both had shirts that said, "I didn't do it." Thought that was pretty appropriate!
The boys liked the tunnel, but they were so fast, we couldn't get a picture of them together!
Here, we got them together, but not looking at us. They were both so intent on what they were doing...namely climbing up the slide and sliding back down!
It took Rowan a little while to realize what to do with the slide... I took his socks off and Ingrid showed him what to do, and it took him all of about 30 seconds to figure it out!!
He was so cute when he made it to the top! He was so proud of himself. He got up to the top, turned around and said....well, SOMETHING. Very decidedly and proudly. Adorable!

Two little monkeys climbing up a slide...
Rowan wanted to see the cars you ride when you put the quarter in, once he spotted them. He had so much fun just sitting in them! How wonderful to be excited about the simple things in life...
It was a good weekend, all in all... Hooray for counsins!