On to our next journey...
We just got back yesterday from our yearly family tour of MN. What a blast!! We got to see everyone (except Susan... :( ) and felt like we spent some good, quality time with all. Here's a picture journey of the first part of our trip. More pics to come soon!

Think the ice cream got to her? :) Thanks, Grandpa Jack. ;)

Here's Rowan on a boat ride with Great-Grandma Jane on Turtle Lake

Ingrid and Kristi at The Old Spaghetti Factory. We got an Italian Cream Soda and took home a new glass from this dinner! Fun...

Uncle Eric became a riding toy for the kids on the FIRST day. Andrew had them "give him the spurs." Not such a nice thing considering where their heels dug into the "horse." What a good sport Uncle Eric is!! He's going to be an exceptional Daddy starting in January!

A sleepy Uncle Eric and two sleepy kids...

Here's the kids and Grandpa Darrell's sister, Great-Aunt Katie. What a good day at Forest Lake.

Here's Papa giving the kids a ride in the canoe on Forest Lake. They loved it!

Off Grandpa Darrell's dock, there are fish and turtles of all kinds. The kids look forward to feeding them when they visit. This year was no different. We throw the pellets into the water and watch the fish and turtle swim up and eat them. Papa caught a painted turtle and we got to pet it! It was beautiful. Now, Ingrid wants a pet turtle... Geesh. :)

Here's Grandpa Darrell playing with Rowan. They're throwing the frisbee for Maggie, the border collie. Rowan thinks it's hilarious to run after it, too! ;)
It was Great-Aunt Trudy's birthday while we were there, so we had a family birthday party at Grandpa Darrell's. Here are Ingrid and "Trud-o," as Ingrid calls her, having a deep conversation. :)

The kids are lucky to know their Great-Grandpa Bud. Here's Ingrid making him laugh...something the stoic Swede reserves only for especially funny things. :)

Ingrid at Grandpa Darrell's house feeding the fish and turtles in Forest Lake.

Gramma Camra lives in Turtle Lake, WI. Here they are on her beach playing in the sand. Gramma Camra doesn't hesitate to get her hands dirty with the kids!! They love her.

Here's Gramma playing princess show with Ingrid. Love the costumes!!

Uncle Eric and the kids...
Love the post and the pictures, Lizzie. I'm sure you guys had so much fun in Minnesota. I have such good memories of our roadtrips up there. What a beautiful place! So glad you got to do some acting this summer, too. You are so talented, my friend. Lots of love, hugs, and kisses from the Malone clan.
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