Baby Isaac Scott Speakman is here! He was born on September 24th at 6:12am! He was 5 1/2 weeks early, but he's doing quite well despite his early entrance! He weighed 4 lbs, 11 oz at birth, and has spent the first few days in the Neborn Intensive Care Unit at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, WV. He will spend a few more days at the hospital even though his Mommy will be going home this afternoon.
Ingrid, Rowan, and Lizzie will be spending the afternoon/evening with Aunt B while she gets things together for when Baby Isaac will come home (she was ready to get it all done this week!). We want to make sure she has something to eat and doesn't over-do it because Uncle B had to go back to the Police Academy 4 hours after Isaac was born! He will be home, however, on Friday night for the weekend. We're so proud of Uncle B for sticking this out! He can truly say to Isaac that Speakmans don't quit!
Aunt B will have to drive to Morgantown to see the baby until he comes home, but she's doing well. She had a few complications during delivery, but in the end was able to avoid a cesarean section. Isaac's heart rate wouldn't stay up, so she had to take a couple of medicines to keep her contractions from coming too fast. Then, when it was time for the baby to be born, they found out that he was trying to come out sideways! The doctors were fast and were able to turn him and help him out with foreceps. He had a lot of bruising and swelling afterward, but it's going away very nicely. But because of the trauma, he has some slight jaundice.
Aunt Lizzie got to be in the room when he was born! It was amazing! I was also there when Becca got to feed him for the first time...So sweet! More pics and updates very soon!!!
Welcome, baby Isaac! We love you!

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